Language profile: Macedonian

I am often the only Macedonian person people have met. The most common question I get is: “what language do people speak there?”. There isn’t much about the language in English and online. For a linguistics course, I got to construct a so called “language profile”, and with it the chance to add a small part of mine out there for others to discover.

Here is the long version with many examples to read. I am computational linguist with a way stronger background in engineering than linguistics, so if you are a professional you would need to give me some grace 😃.

The presentation under contains the summary and goes through some general facts, morphology, semantics, syntax , discourse and NLP resources. It will give you a brief overview of some of the most important characteristics. I used this presentation to present the paper above. I am a bit of a minimalist when it comes to my presentation, so there isn’t much text on the slides, but you can get the gist.

I am happy to answer any questions! Also, if you are building any NLP models that include Macedonian and would like a look from someone that speaks it as a first language and is both trained in linguistics and natural language processing, let me know. I am happy to look them over for free! I would be thrilled if more people start including Macedonian in their NLP projects, despite the issue of missing resources.


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