nlp, linguistics , university Tamara Atanasoska nlp, linguistics , university Tamara Atanasoska

Language profile: Macedonian

I am often the only Macedonian person people have met. The most common question I get is: “what language do people speak there?”. There isn’t much about the language in English and online. For a linguistics course, I got to construct a so called “language profile”, and with it the chance to add a small part of mine out there for others to discover.

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tech, nlp, university Tamara Atanasoska tech, nlp, university Tamara Atanasoska

A successful paper reproduction project

What is a paper reproduction project, and how to successfully see one through? I go through a recent experience I gathered this semester and discuss what helped the most. Some of these points are rooted in using modern software development practices when dealing with research projects/code.

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university, cognitive science Tamara Atanasoska university, cognitive science Tamara Atanasoska

Models of language comprehension: N400, P600 and their significance during childhood and beyond

In the essay, I outlined the historical and current research on N400 and P600, their various interpretations, the models of language comprehension that neuroscientists build upon examining their manifestations, and the accompanying neural correlates more newly added to the models.

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cognitive science, university Tamara Atanasoska cognitive science, university Tamara Atanasoska

Multilingualism and its trauma coping potential

As part of a course focusing on psycholinguistics and the neuroscience of language, I wrote a scientific essay on the intersection of language and trauma. Specifically, in the paper, I explore how an unburdened language from one's language repertoire can be a tool for coping with the post-traumatic, in a therapeutical setting or the everyday.

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university, nlp, tech Tamara Atanasoska university, nlp, tech Tamara Atanasoska

NLP Series: Language tasks

My first week of university just ended. The biggest chunk went to our mandatory course called “Advanced Natural Language Processing”. We went through a lot of material around regular expressions and some basic data tools with Python. The most interesting part of my week was the introduction and thinking about “language tasks”. There is very little information if you google the term, so I needed to dig to understand it.

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life, university Tamara Atanasoska life, university Tamara Atanasoska

On new beginnings

I place my teacup on the chair pushed close to the sofa, an improvised sturdy space for staking papers, devices and infinitely more cups I let cool down without touching. I am spending my precious few hours while my 2-year-old is at daycare to jumpstart my upcoming university semester. The media speaks about the incoming lockdown. The washing machine is tumbling masks. In the room next door, my husband is typing on his keyboard.

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